moroccan yum

January 28, 2011

It’s ridiculous.

Everyone in my house has been so sick.  It started right around Thanksgiving, each of us coming and going with a little something here and there…but the last 3 weeks have been insane.

Having these 2 young children is like living in a petrie dish of disease when winter rolls around.

You don’t even want to know what my house has looked like for the past month…

When I feel really bad, I just don’t care to do anything.  I become a vegetable.  Then I start to feel better, like now I’m feeling a lot better, and I start to guilt trip myself about how lazy and irresponsible I’ve been.

So I guess this is a mercy post to myself.  A post to make myself feel better for having gone so long without even a single image.

I know this blog is getting over 100 hits per day, but is anyone actually reading these diary entries that I post, or are you just here for the pictures?  I’ll admit, I mostly read magazines for the pictures, so I get it.






sequins and stripes *

January 10, 2011

I’ve always had a thing for stripes.  I dress my children in stripes regularly and attempt to wear them myself, but they can be a little overwhelming on me.

I love a room painted floor to ceiling in stripes with matching drapes so that you disappear inside the room like its a tent.

I love a soft old linen with faded stripes hugging the arm of a comfy chair.

Right now I am loving bold, nautical and black and white stripes paired with sequins. J.Crew seems to have this look down and I could wear this combo everyday and it would not get old + it translates into interior decor so well.

Here’s some sequin and stripe love…

just right stripes and an earthy porthole window

classic stripes

if I had those legs, I’d rock that skirt all the time

like little sequins hanging from the ceiling…


ok, this could seriously be my outfit everyday!

AMAZING striped door…

sexy, earthy sequins on the subtly striped bedspread

this could also be in the daily wardrobe rotation, yum, love, yum

I’ve said it before, every home should have a moroccan pouf…

…a couple of these metallic ones will dot your floor like sequins

the perfect combo of sequins and stripes

simple stripes

this ring sparkles like sequins…of course, paired with the classic stripe shirt

floor to ceiling stripes

sequin art

HAPPY 2011

January 3, 2011

It’s been a while.  I thought I should post something.  I took much needed vacation and my mind is still elsewhere…

Here’s to a magnificent 2011 , a fresh start – full of peace, love, happiness and health!!!