a little zen in my life…

April 18, 2010

Life can get overwhelming.  There are so many things to manage in a day that I sometimes feel like the chaos is taking over my life.  Being a mom, a business owner, running a household, being an active participant in my relationship, maintaining a social life…sometimes I just want to crawl into a cave and run away from it all.

There are days where I just don’t want to be responsible for anything or anyone.

And then there’s my house.  The place where I go to unwind, relax and recharge.  Sharing it with two other people can actually be more stressful than nurturing.  I’m constantly picking up toys, clothes, dirty dishes all in an attempt to gain some sanity amidst all the chaos.

I ask myself, when will it ever end?

So today I find a little solace in some zen inspired images that help to ease the chaos in my mind.  Perhaps one day I too will be able to achieve a little zen in my life…

Tadao Ando designed Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth

Banryutei Garden Japan

The famous rock garden at Ryoan-Ji in Japan

2 Responses to “a little zen in my life…”

  1. Deniz Says:

    Ahhhhhh…I needed that 😉

  2. […] Best Zen Living Room from a little zen in my life…. Source Image: srinteriors.wordpress.com. Visit this site for details: srinteriors.wordpress.com […]

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