I’ve been a fan of T.H. Robsjohn-Gibbings for years.  Generally if you have any knowledge of the history of furniture design, particularly in the past 150 years, you probably know who he is.

For those of you who don’t know who he is and are interested, here’s a link to some info about him.

I think what I love most about his pieces are the beautifully designed legs.  I am putting 8 Gibbings dining chairs in a house, and the legs are what make the otherwise simple chairs.

Gibbings was well known for his Klismos line, inspired by Ancient Greek design, this lounge is definitely one of my fav’s!

A mint pair of early (1940’s) lounge chairs

Love these lamps!

Check out the detail on this gorgeous dresser below…

love the legs


yes, it’s a garbage can and you don’t want to know how much it costs…

another favorite…so gorgeous!!!

A Gibbings designed post-war bedroom


Most images via www.1stdibs.com


nature, baby

March 29, 2011

I had a massage today.

It was really more than a massage, it was a treatment and I needed it.  Badly.

I haven’t done anything nice for myself since I got pregnant with my older son, that was over 5 years ago.  I’ve been so caught up in being mom, working and taking care of my family in general, I’ve forgotten about myself.

So today I went to One Spa at Shutters on the Beach near my house.  For the first time in 5 years, I actually turned off the cell phone and left it in a locker and was completely un-reachable for 2 hours.

And while I was on the table, supposedly relaxing, you know what I was doing?

Coordinating furniture deliveries, thinking about the fundraiser I am helping with at my son’s school, going over fabrics…all in my mind.  When I finally caught myself, I reminded myself that this was me time and that I could actually just relax, lay there, think about nothing and let the vichy shower flow…

I floated out of there after a steam and a long sit in the lounge…I guarantee it won’t be 5 years before I go back!

coffee(table) please

March 26, 2011

My coffee table is nothing to get excited about…it used to be.

I had this great low and round Danish Modern walnut coffee table that my grandmother bought in the 60’s.  I still have it, in storage.  I put it away when my son was born and we realized that most of our furniture would need to be padded and protected for a while.

Now we have a lovely ottoman for a coffee table – 14 inches high for easy baby access, 42 inches round and slip-covered for easy cleaning.  There is nothing glamourous about it, its all function, but it works.  I put a tray on it when my boy is hungry or someone needs to put a glass down.

I can’t wait for the day when I can bring grandma’s table back in…a couple more years.

I don’t think that choosing a coffee table should be taken lightly, it makes such an impact to the character of a space.

There are so many amazing options out there to choose from, here’s a few that I love.






March 20, 2011

here’s something ‘cuz it’s been a while…

so pretty.

you pick…

March 10, 2011

Okay.  So, you have a little extra space in your master bedroom and you want to put  a chair that will make an impact and be comfy as well.

You have a mid-century home and there are 2 chairs that you LOVE.

Which one to choose?  Tough choice, I’m going to let you decide.

Please post comments with your choice and why!!!!!

The always classic and sculptural Saarinen Womb chair or…

The Hans Wegner Papa Bear chair…



happy happy happy

March 7, 2011

I love this picture so much that even though I posted it on my Facebook page (become a fan!!!), I had to repost here…

It makes me happy!


March 4, 2011

There are a lot of designers out there who will tell you that your space is uninspired, lacking dimension and just boring if you stick with white.  They’ll say that you aren’t taking risks and that no one really wants to live in white walls when there is a world of color out there just waiting to be introduced to the masses by a good designer.

Phooey, I say.  Actually, I say ‘that’s bullshit!’, to quote myself.

In my opinion you can absolutely create a dynamic and interesting space with white.  In fact, I think its easier for a designer to put a little color on the wall and call a space ‘designed’ than it is to do white right.

It takes real vision, sophistication and refinement to work with white well, and I salute those who do.